Limiting Cat-Related Allergies in the Home

Limiting Cat-Related Allergies in the Home

The Allergy Issue

Many people have allergies to cats and other animals, which can make it difficult to have pets in the home. When it comes to cat allergies, they are caused by proteins that are found in the saliva, dander, and urine of cats. These proteins are small enough to be inhaled and can easily attach themselves to the cells in the body that produce the allergic reactions. People who suffer from cat allergies may experience symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose.

Reducing Exposure to Cat Allergens

Although it is not possible to completely eliminate cat-related allergies from the home, there are steps that can be taken to reduce exposure and lessen the severity of symptoms. It is important to keep the home clean and vacuum regularly to remove pet hair and dander. It is also important to bathe your cats regularly to reduce the amount of allergens in the home. Additionally, it is important to keep cats out of the bedroom and avoid letting them sleep on the bed or furniture.

Using Air Purifiers and HEPA Filters

A great way to reduce the amount of allergens in the home is to use air purifiers and HEPA filters. Air purifiers can help to reduce the amount of allergens in the air, while HEPA filters can help to trap the allergens in the air before they can settle in the home. Additionally, using a dehumidifier in the home can help to reduce the amount of allergens in the air as well.

Using Allergy-Free Bedding

Another way to reduce the amount of cat-related allergens in the home is to use allergy-free bedding. Allergy-free bedding is designed to reduce the amount of allergens that can be found in the bedding. Additionally, using a mattress cover can help to block allergens from getting into the mattress. Finally, it is important to wash bedding regularly in hot water to help remove allergens.


Cat allergies can be a nuisance and can make it difficult to have cats in the home. However, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the amount of allergens in the home and lessen the severity of symptoms. By keeping the home clean, using air purifiers and HEPA filters, and using allergy-free bedding, it is possible to reduce the amount of allergens in the home and help to limit the effects of cat-related allergies.

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