Just What Do Dragonflies Eat?

Just What Do Dragonflies Eat?


Dragonflies are fascinating creatures, with their beautiful wings and their ability to fly at high speeds. They are also incredibly beneficial to their ecosystems, as they feed on a variety of different insects and can help to keep the insect population in check. But what exactly do dragonflies eat?

What Do Dragonflies Eat?

Dragonflies predominantly feed on other insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, and midges. They have large eyes and can spot their prey from a distance. They also have a long, thin proboscis that they use to suck up their prey. They also eat other insects, such as spiders and small caterpillars, and can even feed on small fish and tadpoles. Dragonflies also sometimes feed on nectar and sap from plants.

How Do Dragonflies Hunt?

Dragonflies are adept hunters, as they can fly quickly and can maneuver in different directions with ease. They usually hunt during the day, when their prey is most likely to be out. They hunt alone or in swarms, and they use their excellent eyesight to spot their prey, which they then pursue and catch with their proboscis. They can also catch prey while they themselves are in flight, by quickly snatching them with their proboscis.

Can Dragonflies Sting?

Dragonflies do not sting humans, and they are generally considered harmless. They may get startled and fly away if disturbed, but they will not attack humans or other animals.


Dragonflies are essential to the balance of their ecosystems, as they help to keep the insect population in check. They feed on a variety of insects, as well as other small animals, and their hunting skills make them adept predators. Dragonflies are harmless to humans, and they provide us with a fascinating look into the world of nature.

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