Aardvark Activity: Exploring the Behaviour of This Unique Animal

Aardvark Activity: Exploring the Behaviour of This Unique Animal


The aardvark is a truly unique species of mammal. Native to Africa, the aardvark is the only living species in its family, Orycteropodidae. They are nocturnal, burrowing animals that have a wide range of behaviours and adaptations. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the different activities of aardvarks in the wild.

Digging and Burrowing

The aardvark is an excellent digger, capable of creating intricate burrows in the ground. These burrows are used as a safe place to sleep and hide during the day, as well as a place to store food. Aardvarks can dig up to 30cm below the surface, sometimes reaching depths of up to 3 meters. They use their long front claws to dig and their powerful back legs to push the dirt out of the way. They are also capable of creating large networks of tunnels, allowing them to easily maneuver around their home range.

Feeding Habits

Aardvarks are mainly insectivorous, meaning that they feed mainly on insects. They use their long, sticky tongues to capture insects from their burrows and from the ground. They are also known to eat fruits, roots, and succulent plants. Aardvarks are quite efficient in their foraging habits, able to consume large amounts of food in a short period of time. They also have a remarkable sense of smell, allowing them to detect their food even when it’s buried deep in the ground.

Social Behaviour

Aardvarks are solitary animals, only coming together to mate. They do, however, communicate with one another through scent markings, vibrations, and vocalisations. These scent markings are used to mark their territories and to alert other aardvarks of their presence. Vibrations are used to communicate with other aardvarks in the vicinity, while vocalisations are used to express alarm or aggression.


Aardvarks have many predators, including lions, leopards, hyenas, and jackals. They are also vulnerable to birds of prey, such as eagles and hawks. To stay safe, aardvarks rely on their excellent digging and burrowing abilities, as well as their excellent sense of smell and hearing. They can detect predators from quite a distance, allowing them to escape before they are caught.


The aardvark is an intriguing animal with many fascinating behaviours. From their digging and burrowing habits, to their insectivorous diet and social interactions, the aardvark is a truly unique species. They are also vulnerable to many predators, relying on their excellent senses and adaptations to stay safe. This article has explored the different activities of aardvarks in the wild, providing a better understanding of this unique creature.

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