Aardvark Sightings: How to Spot Them in the Wild


The aardvark is a nocturnal, burrowing mammal native to Africa. It is the only living species of its family, Orycteropodidae. Aardvarks are not commonly seen in the wild due to their secretive nature, but they can be spotted if you know what to look for.

Description and Habitat

Aardvarks can grow up to 2 meters in length and weigh between 60-70 kg. They have a long, pig-like snout, long ears, and a long, sticky tongue that is used to capture their prey. Aardvarks are found in the savannas, grasslands, and woodlands of Africa, and they prefer areas with loose soil that they can easily dig in.

Diet and Behaviour

Aardvarks are primarily insectivores and feed on termites, ants, and other small insects. They use their powerful claws to dig burrows up to 3 meters deep, where they sleep during the day and hunt at night. They are solitary animals and are rarely seen in groups, except during the mating season.

Spotting an Aardvark in the Wild

Aardvarks are usually most active at night and can be spotted in the early evening or late night. Look for their burrows, which are usually found near termite mounds or ant hills. Listen for their loud vocalizations, which sound like a mixture of a pig and donkey. Also, be aware of the smell of aardvarks, which is described as a ‘musty’ scent.


Aardvarks are unique and fascinating creatures, but they are rarely seen in the wild. However, if you pay close attention to their habitat and behavior, you may be lucky enough to spot them in their natural habitat.

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