Benefits of Keeping Chickens: From Egg Production to Natural Pest Control

Benefits of Keeping Chickens: From Egg Production to Natural Pest Control

Egg Production

Chickens are a great source of delicious, healthy eggs. Depending on the breed, chickens can lay anywhere from two to seven eggs a week. Not only are these eggs tasty, but they are also high in protein and low in fat. By keeping chickens, you can be sure to always have a steady supply of fresh eggs. Plus, you can be sure that the eggs are free from any chemicals or hormones that are often found in store-bought eggs.

Pest Control

Chickens are natural pest controllers. They love to eat bugs like slugs, beetles, and grasshoppers, which can be destructive to gardens. They also like to eat weeds and other plants. By keeping chickens, you can save yourself from having to manually remove these pests from your garden.

Composting and Fertilizer

Chickens produce droppings that can be used as compost or fertilizer. This can be a great way to help your garden thrive naturally. The droppings are high in nitrogen and other essential nutrients and minerals, which can be beneficial for plants. With chickens, you don’t have to worry about buying chemical fertilizers, which can be expensive and potentially harmful to the environment.


Chickens can be great fun to watch! They love to explore, scratch around in the dirt, and eat bugs. Watching them can be a great way to pass the time and can be a source of entertainment for the whole family. Plus, chickens are known to be quite social, so they can be great companions.

Conservation Efforts

The raising and keeping of chickens can also have a positive impact on conservation efforts. Chickens can help restore habitats through their natural foraging patterns, which can help promote biodiversity. Additionally, chickens can help increase the population of certain species, thus helping to restore populations and prevent extinction.


Keeping chickens can be a great way to enjoy fresh eggs, natural pest control, composting and fertilizer, entertainment, and conservation efforts. Whether you are looking to raise chickens for food or as a hobby, there are many benefits to having these wonderful creatures as part of your life.

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