Catching Ants with Kids

Introduction to Ants

Ants are tiny creatures that are found all over the world. They are social insects, meaning they live and work together in large colonies. Ants come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors, and they can be found in almost any habitat. Ants are also incredibly strong, carrying objects up to five times their weight!

Exploring with Ants

Exploring with ants is a great way to get kids excited about the natural world. Catching ants can be a fun and educational game for kids of all ages. With a few simple tools, a little patience, and a keen eye, kids can learn about the amazing world of ants.

Gathering Supplies

The first step in catching ants is to gather the necessary supplies. All you’ll need is a shallow container, like a plastic container or a bowl, and some bait. This could be something sweet like honey, sugar, or a piece of fruit. Place the bait in the container and leave it outside for a few hours. This will attract the ants to the container.

Watching the Ants

Once the ants have found the bait, it’s time to start watching! With the help of a magnifying glass, kids can observe the ants up close and learn more about their behavior. Ants are incredibly efficient workers and they have complex social structures. Kids can learn a lot by just watching them work and interact with each other.

Catching Ants

When the kids are ready, they can start catching ants. The easiest way to catch ants is with a spoon or a butter knife. Gently scoop up the ants and transfer them to a glass jar or container. Kids should make sure to use a jar with small holes so the ants can breathe. It’s also important to make sure the jar is properly sealed so the ants don’t escape.

Releasing the Ants

Once the kids have had a chance to observe the ants and learn more about them, it’s time to release them back into their natural environment. Gently pour the ants out of the jar and back onto the ground. Kids should make sure to release the ants away from their home, as they may try to return.


Exploring with ants is a great way to teach kids about the natural world. With a few simple supplies and a little patience, kids can learn all about ants and their behavior. Catching ants can also be a fun and educational game for kids of all ages.

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