Comparing the American Bison and the European Bison

Comparing the American Bison and the European Bison


Though both the American bison and the European bison are two large, hooved mammals, there are several key differences between them. In this article, we will explore the features that distinguish the American bison from the European bison.


The American bison is larger than the European bison, standing at a height between 6-7 feet and weighing up to 2,000 pounds. Its shaggy brown fur helps to keep it warm in the winter, while its curved horns and long face give it a distinctive appearance. The European bison is slightly smaller, standing at a height between 4-6 feet and weighing up to 1,100 pounds. Its reddish-brown fur is shorter and brighter than that of the American bison, and its face is shorter and more pointed.


The American bison is native to North America, where it is found in prairies, grasslands, and other open areas. It is highly adapted to these environments and can survive in a variety of climates. The European bison, on the other hand, is native to Europe and is found mostly in forested areas. It is less adapted to open grasslands and is more likely to be found in wooded areas.


American bison are typically solitary animals, while European bison are more social. European bison live in herds and often use their heads and horns to push each other around. American bison are more likely to be found alone or in small groups. Additionally, American bison are more likely to be aggressive than European bison.


Both the American bison and the European bison are herbivores and primarily eat grasses and other vegetation. The American bison is also known to eat shrubs and other plants, while the European bison also consumes tree bark and other woody plants.

Conservation Status

The American bison is listed as Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, while the European bison is listed as Vulnerable. Both species are facing threats from habitat loss, hunting, and the spread of disease. Conservation efforts are being taken to protect both species, such as the creation of protected areas and the reintroduction of bison into their native habitats.


Though the American bison and the European bison are closely related, they have several distinct characteristics that set them apart. From their size and appearance to their habitats and diets, these two species of bison have a lot of differences that make them unique. It is important to understand these differences in order to better protect and conserve these magnificent creatures.

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