Finding the Right Chinchilla Cage

Finding the Right Chinchilla Cage

Chinchillas are fascinating little rodents that require special care and attention. To keep them happy and healthy, they need the right cage and environment. When selecting the right cage, there are a few important things to consider.

Size and Space

Chinchillas need plenty of space to move around and explore. A cage should be at least 24 inches long and 18 inches wide, but larger is better. It should also be at least 18 inches tall, with multiple levels for the chinchilla to climb and explore. Additionally, the cage should have a solid bottom to prevent the chinchilla’s feet from slipping through the bars.

Cage Materials

Chinchillas are escape artists, so the cage should be made from a durable material. Metal cages are the most secure, but plastic cages are also an option. The bars should be spaced close together, with no more than a half inch between them. This will keep your chinchilla from squeezing out and getting lost.

Safety and Comfort

Chinchillas are very active and do best when they have plenty of toys and activities in their cages. This can include tunnels, ladders, and exercise wheels. The cage should also be equipped with bedding, such as shredded paper or fleece. Additionally, the cage should have plenty of hiding places and shelters, such as wooden houses or cardboard boxes. Finally, the cage should have a solid floor and be kept away from direct sunlight and drafts.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Chinchillas are very clean animals, and their cages should be regularly cleaned to prevent disease and infection. The cage should be completely emptied and wiped down with a mild disinfectant every two weeks. It should also be sprayed with a chinchilla-safe disinfectant after cleaning. Additionally, the cage should be inspected regularly to ensure that there are no sharp edges or loose wires.


Finding the right cage for your chinchilla is an important part of keeping them healthy and happy. Make sure the cage is the right size and made from durable materials. It should also be equipped with plenty of toys and activities. Finally, the cage should be cleaned and inspected regularly to ensure a safe environment for your chinchilla.

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