Gliding Through Water: How Ants Do It

Gliding Through Water: How Ants Do It


Ants are a species of insect that can be found all over the world. There are over 12,000 species of ant, and they come in a range of sizes, shapes, and colors. Ants are incredibly versatile creatures, able to survive in a wide range of environments. One of their most impressive abilities is their ability to glide through water.

How Do Ants Glide Through Water?

The secret to ants’ aquatic acrobatics lies in their unique body shape. Ants have a streamlined body that is covered in tiny hairs, which act like little paddles. When the ant moves its legs, it creates tiny ripples that propel it forward. This allows the ant to glide through water without sinking. The ant’s hydrophobic feet also help it stay afloat by reducing the surface tension of the water.

The Benefits of Gliding Through Water

The ability to glide through water gives ants an advantage in their environment. It allows them to quickly escape predators, search for food, and find new sources of water. Ants also use their gliding skills to disperse their eggs and larvae. By gliding through water, they are able to send their young off in different directions and increase the chances of survival.

Adapting to Different Bodies of Water

Ants have adapted their gliding technique to suit different bodies of water. In rivers and streams, ants will move in a slalom-like pattern, zig-zagging across the water’s surface. In ponds and lakes, ants will move in straight lines, using the surface tension of the water to propel them forward. In the ocean, ants will use the wave action to surf along the top of the water. This allows them to move quickly and efficiently through the water.


Ants are remarkable creatures with an impressive array of abilities. One of the most impressive is their ability to glide through water. This allows them to quickly search for food, escape predators, and disperse their eggs. Ants have adapted their technique to suit different bodies of water, allowing them to move quickly and efficiently across the surface. It’s an amazing sight to behold and a testament to the adaptability of these tiny creatures.

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