Hiking Safety Tips When Coyotes Are Nearby

What Are Coyotes?
Coyotes are members of the Canidae family, which include wolves, foxes and jackals. They are a medium-sized canid, typically weighing between 20 and 45 pounds. Coyotes are found in North America, ranging from rural to urban areas. They are often found in areas with open spaces, such as prairies, deserts, and mountain ranges. Coyotes are typically nocturnal, but can also be seen during the day, particularly in the early morning and late evening.
Safety Tips When Hiking Where Coyotes Are Nearby
When planning a hike, it is important to be aware of the wildlife in the area, including coyotes. Here are some tips to help ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience in areas with coyotes:
Keep Dogs Leashed
Coyotes may be attracted to a person’s pet and may attack if the pet is not properly supervised. It is important to keep dogs leashed and under control at all times. If a coyote does approach, it is important to remain calm and not turn your back on the animal. Move slowly and make loud noises to scare the coyote away.
Carry Noisemakers
Carrying noisemakers, such as air horns, whistles, or bear bells, can help scare away coyotes. Make sure to make loud noises if you spot a coyote in order to make your presence known and scare the animal away.
Avoid Running
If you encounter a coyote, do not run away. Coyotes are known to chase after people who run and can become aggressive. Instead, stand tall and make loud noises, such as clapping your hands or shouting. If the coyote does not move away, back away slowly and make sure to keep an eye on the animal.
Do Not Feed Coyotes
It is important not to feed coyotes as it can lead to them becoming too comfortable around humans. Coyotes that become accustomed to human presence can become more aggressive and pose a greater risk of attack. Do not leave food or garbage out in areas that coyotes inhabit as this could attract the animal.
Stay In Groups
When hiking in areas where coyotes are present, it is best to stay in groups. Coyotes are less likely to approach a group of people than a single individual, so it is important to make sure you are not alone. If you are with a group, it is also important to make sure that everyone is aware of the presence of coyotes and knows the proper safety measures.
Report Sightings
If you do see a coyote, it is important to report the sighting. Contact your local wildlife agency or park ranger to let them know of the sighting so they can keep an eye on the animal and take proper precautions if necessary.
Coyotes are found in many areas, especially in rural and urban areas. It is important to be aware of the presence of coyotes and take the necessary safety precautions when hiking in areas where they may be present. By following the tips above and being alert and aware, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience.