Justifying Captivity: Should Dolphins Live in Captivity?

Justifying Captivity: Should Dolphins Live in Captivity?


Dolphins are one of the most beloved animals in the world, with their intelligence and unique behaviors captivating the hearts of humans everywhere. But while they are often seen as friendly and playful creatures in the wild, the same cannot be said for when they are kept in captivity. In the last few decades, the debate over whether or not it is ethical to keep dolphins in captivity has been gaining traction, with both sides making compelling arguments for their stance. In this article, we will be exploring the arguments for and against keeping dolphins in captivity and looking at the facts that support both sides.

Arguments for Keeping Dolphins in Captivity

One of the main arguments made in support of keeping dolphins in captivity is that it serves to educate the public about dolphins and their behaviors. By bringing the dolphins into captivity, people can observe them up close and learn more about their behaviors and intelligence. This can in turn help to raise awareness of the importance of conservation, as people learn more about the threats that dolphins face in the wild. Furthermore, it is argued that keeping dolphins in captivity can also be beneficial for research purposes, as scientists can conduct studies to better understand the species and their behaviors.

Arguments Against Keeping Dolphins in Captivity

On the other hand, there are numerous arguments against keeping dolphins in captivity. The most prominent argument is that captivity can be incredibly detrimental to the health and wellbeing of dolphins. When kept in captivity, they are deprived of their natural environment and are unable to perform their natural behaviors, leading to stress and depression. Furthermore, captivity can also lead to physical health issues, with the confined space and polluted water leading to health problems in dolphins. In addition, keeping dolphins in captivity is also expensive and time consuming, as it requires a lot of resources to maintain.

Ethical Considerations

When looking at the arguments for and against keeping dolphins in captivity, it is clear that there are numerous ethical considerations that must be taken into account. For example, one must consider the wellbeing of the dolphins and whether or not their needs are being met in captivity. Additionally, one must also consider the impact that captivity has on the environment and the resources being used to maintain the dolphins. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide whether or not keeping dolphins in captivity is the right decision or not.


In conclusion, the debate over whether or not keeping dolphins in captivity is ethical is complex and multi-faceted, with both sides making compelling arguments. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide whether or not they believe that keeping dolphins in captivity is justified. However, it is important to remember to always consider the wellbeing of the dolphins and the resources being used when making this decision.

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