The Diet of Coyotes

The Diet of Coyotes
Coyotes are carnivores, meaning they feed on other animals. However, they are also opportunistic omnivores, meaning they will eat a wide variety of foods depending on what is available. Coyotes typically hunt small mammals, such as rodents, rabbits, and hares, as well as birds and reptiles. They will also scavenge for carrion, or dead animal carcasses, and eat insects, fruits, and vegetation when the opportunity arises.
Hunting Small Mammals
When hunting small mammals, coyotes tend to rely on their sense of smell and hearing, then use their agility and speed to capture their prey. They also have the ability to move silently and stealthily, allowing them to sneak up on their prey before it can react. Coyotes may hunt alone or in pairs, and will often cache, or store, any extra food they catch for future meals.
Scavenging Carrion
Coyotes will also scavenge for carrion, or dead animals, as an easy source of food. This can include small mammals, such as rodents, or larger animals, such as deer. Coyotes typically prefer fresh carrion, but they will also eat food that is several days old. Scavenging is beneficial for coyotes because it is an easy source of food that doesn’t require as much energy and effort as hunting does.
Eating Insects, Fruits, and Vegetation
When the opportunity arises, coyotes will also eat insects and other invertebrates, as well as fruits and vegetation. Insects, such as grasshoppers, beetles, and crickets, are a protein-rich source of food for coyotes. Fruits and vegetation, such as cactus fruits, nuts, and berries, can provide them with essential vitamins and minerals. Eating a variety of foods helps to keep coyotes healthy and provides them with the nutrients and energy they need.
The diet of coyotes is varied and depends on what is available in their environment. They typically hunt small mammals, scavenge for carrion, and also eat insects, fruits, and vegetation. Eating a variety of foods helps keep coyotes healthy, and provides them with the nutrients and energy they need to survive.