Vocalizations of the Dotterel

Vocalizations of the Dotterel


The dotterel (Charadrius morinellus) is a medium-sized wading bird found in various habitats throughout the world. It is known for its distinct, loud call that can be heard in the spring and summer months, and is often heard in the early morning hours. In addition to its distinct call, the dotterel has a variety of vocalizations that can range from short, sharp notes to long, drawn-out songs.

Behavioral and Territorial Calls

The dotterel has a variety of calls that it uses to communicate with other members of its species. These calls can be used to mark and defend its territory, as well as for courtship rituals. The most common territorial call is a loud, shrill “wee-wee-wee” sound that can travel up to a mile in open terrain. The dotterel also has a variety of other calls that are used for different purposes. These include a low-pitched trill, a high-pitched screech, and a variety of other vocalizations.

Courtship Songs

When wooing a potential mate, the dotterel produces a series of loud, melodic calls that can be heard from quite a distance away. These calls tend to be longer and more complex than its other vocalizations, and are often comprised of several different notes. The dotterel often calls in a duet with its mate, with each bird producing its own unique part of the song. This duetting is thought to help the birds bond and form a pair bond.

Communication with Chicks

The dotterel also has a variety of calls that it uses to communicate with its chicks. These calls are softer and more melodic than its other vocalizations, and are thought to be used to help the chicks learn about their environment and find food. The dotterel’s chicks also use a variety of calls to communicate with their parents, such as begging calls, alarm calls, and distress calls.


The dotterel is an interesting species of wading bird that has a variety of vocalizations that it uses for different purposes. Its loud, shrill territorial call can be heard from quite a distance away, while its softer, melodic courtship songs are used to woo potential mates. Additionally, the dotterel also has a variety of calls that it uses to communicate with its chicks. Understanding the dotterel’s vocalizations can help us to better appreciate and understand this fascinating species of bird.

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