Zookeepers Guide to Caring for Armadillos

The armadillo is an iconic creature that is native to the Americas. It is a member of the mammal family and is known for its unique armor-like shell. This shell is made up of bony plates that are covered in thick, leathery skin. The armadillo is also a nocturnal animal, meaning it is most active during the night. They are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and animals, and they are very important in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.
Armadillos are found in a variety of habitats from rain forests to deserts and from wetlands to grasslands. They prefer to live in areas with plenty of vegetation, such as forests and wetlands, but can also be found in open areas such as deserts and grasslands. They prefer to live in burrows and are excellent burrowers, so they are often found in banks or under rocks.
Armadillos are solitary animals, meaning they prefer to live and forage alone. They are also very timid and will often run away when they sense danger. They are also known to roll up into a ball when they are scared, using their armor-like shell as a form of protection. Armadillos are also very active during the night, as they use this time to forage for food.
As mentioned above, armadillos are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet typically consists of insects, worms, grubs, larvae, and other small invertebrates. They also feed on fruits and vegetables, as well as dead animals. They have even been known to scavenge on carrion.
Caring for Armadillos
If you’re planning on caring for armadillos, it’s important to understand their needs. Armadillos require a large, secure enclosure with plenty of hiding spots and places to burrow. They also need a steady supply of fresh food and water, as well as a warm, humid environment. It’s also important to provide them with plenty of enrichment activities, such as digging boxes and foraging opportunities. As with any wild animal, it’s important to remember that the armadillo’s welfare should always be the top priority.
The armadillo is a fascinating creature that is native to the Americas. They are solitary animals that prefer to live and forage alone, and they are known for their unique armor-like shell. It’s important to provide them with a large, secure enclosure that meets their needs and to provide them with plenty of enrichment activities. Caring for armadillos can be a rewarding experience and with the right knowledge and understanding, they can be a great addition to any home.