Zooming Out: The Global Distribution of Chimpanzees

Zooming Out: The Global Distribution of Chimpanzees

An Ecological Overview of Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees are among the most intelligent and social primates on the planet and are found in a variety of habitats across Africa and throughout the world. They are found in dense tropical rainforests, in areas of open savanna and scrubland, and even in wetlands and dry forests. Depending on their geographic location, chimpanzees display different traits and behaviors, including the use of tools and the ability to recognize themselves in mirrors.

The total global population of chimpanzees is estimated to be between 170,000 and 300,000 individuals, with the majority of the population living in West and Central Africa. In some areas, however, their population is declining due to deforestation, poaching, and habitat destruction.

Chimpanzees in West and Central Africa

In West and Central Africa, chimpanzees are found in a variety of different habitats, from dense tropical rainforests to open woodlands and savannas. They are usually found in groups of 10-15 individuals, with a single alpha male at the top of the hierarchy. These groups can range in size up to 60 individuals and are known to travel large distances in search of food.

Chimpanzees in this region are also known to use tools, such as sticks and stones, to crack open nuts and termite nests. They also use tools to reach food that is otherwise inaccessible, such as honey or fruit that is high in the tree canopy.

Chimpanzees in East Africa

Chimpanzees are also found in East Africa, although their numbers are much lower than in West and Central Africa. Here, they are found in a variety of habitats, including dense tropical rainforests, woodlands, and savannas. They are also known to travel in smaller groups, usually between 5-10 individuals, and have a different social structure than their counterparts in West and Central Africa.

Chimpanzees in East Africa are also known to use tools. They are observed using sticks to probe for insects and using rocks to crack open nuts. Additionally, they have been observed using tools to create items such as nest hammocks and sleeping platforms.

Chimpanzees in Central Africa

In Central Africa, chimpanzees are found in a variety of different habitats, including dense tropical rainforests, woodlands, and savannas. They are usually found in groups of 10-15 individuals, with a single alpha male at the top of the hierarchy.

Chimpanzees in this region are also known to use tools, such as sticks and stones, to crack open nuts and termite nests. They also use tools to reach food that is otherwise inaccessible, such as honey or fruit that is high in the tree canopy.


Chimpanzees are one of the most intelligent and social species of primates and are found in a variety of different habitats across Africa. From West and Central Africa, to East Africa and Central Africa, the global distribution of chimpanzees is vast and diverse. However, their population is declining due to deforestation, poaching, and habitat destruction. It is important that conservation efforts be implemented to ensure the survival of this amazing species.

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